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Rabong Gompa

Worked on the structure and wall sections for Rabong Gompa during my time at PAN Architecture, Gangtok in Sikkim, India. Major challenges included understanding traditional architecture of buddhist monasteries in the region and incorporating modern materials and traditional features in the new structure. The structure was a part of a larger buddha park being developed in Rabong, the design of which had been commissioned to PAN Architecture. The structure was mainly RCC with chisel dressed stone masonry with plum walls.This project sparked my interest in the region and its culture and led me to do future research and architecture projects in North East of the India. 

Task : Wall sections, details and Structural Drawings

Role: Junior Architect / Trainee

Employer: Pan Architecture, Gangtok


Other works :

Prefab Architecture, Arunachal Pradesh :

Prefabricated shelters made out of engineered composite bamboo panels.


Role: Architect

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Continuity and Change in Bhutanese Architecture:

Research thesis exploring how the visual language emerging out of the vernacular architecture in Bhutan has become one of the tools for the country to preserve its identity

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